For the Record | March Playlist

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Its the end of another month and I think it's fair to say that March has brought us a great number of new, amazing songs to listen to on repeat for days! There have been so many songs that I have been listening to over and over this month in particular and I thought that I would share with you my absolute favourites; old and new, as an easy Sunday read. As I said, I have had quite a lot of favourites over March but I hope that if you have't heard any of these yet that you will give them a listen!
So, in no particular order...

So this is just a small look into what I have listening to for the majority of last month, and I do apologise for the number of Take That songs, they're just my favourite, I couldn't help it! But I hope you give these a listen and if you want a better look into my overall music taste, follow me on spotify for all of my many, many playlists: *emilyricee*
Leave comments telling me what songs you've been loving recently, I'd love to know as I'm always looking for new songs to fall in love with. Also, if you like these types of posts, let me know and I'll maybe make it a monthly thing? I personally love these more relaxed posts, they're my favourite, so I hope you enjoyed it too!


  1. Been LOVING sundown, run up, as well as Drakes new album!

  2. Omg I swear we have the exact same taste in music haha! I love nearly all of these songs, so I'm super excited to listen to the ones I haven't heard of!xx

  3. I haven't heard anything new from the Saturdays lately! Will have to check that one out! Love this style of post!
